FaxPress WebHelp: User Guide > User Basics

FaxPress: An Introduction

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Castelle FaxPress is the user and administrator fax management and transmission utility. Some of the features FaxPress offers FaxPress users and administrators include:

Sending and receiving faxes
Setting personal account options
Managing outgoing and incoming job queues
Managing phone books, cover pages and archived faxes
Managing fax transmission notices
Generating fax reports

Castelle FaxPress 9.1 adopts the standard tree structure used by Windows Explorer™ to display folders. You will use the items in this tree to do most of your work with faxes. The top tier of the FaxPress tree is called the FaxPress Neighborhood.

The FaxPress Neighborhood allows you to access all FaxPress servers on your network segment. Once your supervisor has added FaxPress servers to your Neighborhood, the names or serial numbers of remote FaxPress servers will also be displayed.

For more information on types of FaxPress users, refer to FaxPress User Privilege Levels.


FaxPress WebHelp
Last Updated: 9/12/2007

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